Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lentils with chorizo and warm vinaigrette

A super fast evenin meal for when you come home needing to feed immediately before you get grumpy with your nearest + dearest. Not that I get grumpy when I'm hungry but my evil twin does .'s how to in the style of Gordon Ramsay

Hot pan.....chorizo slices.....sear
Add to pan
Lentils.....drain and rinse.....add to pan
Staarvey Farm vinaigrette.....errrmm.....shake it baby.....big pour into pan
Heat the lot.....garnish with parsley.....lentils with chorizo and warm vinaigrette....done

I like to follow this with chillin on the sofa and an episode of ugly betty. I'm sure old Gordon does the same

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wasabi potato cakes

Have been doing a recipe book cull today. The Gate cookbook made it thru on this recipe

To make them....

Make up some mash, then add wasabi, butter, sesame seeds and salt. Mix thoroughly.

Fry shallots in sesame oil, then add soy sauce after 5 mins

Now to shape your cakes. Using a food ring or round pastry cutter .....put a layer of mash..... Spoonful of shallot..... Another layer of mash. Push the cake out of the ring. Flour the cake and fry in oil until crispy n brown on both sides

Burmese noodles with prawns

Perfect tea for a rainy day

Recipe robbed from Times newspaper :-)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Double chocolate bread n butter puddin

Take 1 chilly day. Add a long weekend working. What do you get? A serious dessert requirement. Cue individual double chocolate bread n butter puddings mmm mmmmm

To make simply....
Butter 4 ramekins
Butter about 10'slices of thick cut White bread.
Cut out circles from the bread. Yes it helps if they're the same size as your ramekins
Now put one circle of bread (butter side down) into each ramekin followed by chunks of White and dark chocolate. Repeat bread-chocolate-bread
In a mixing bowl beat 3 whole eggs. Now add 200ml double cream, 200ml whole milk, 80g golden caster sugar and a big splash of vanilla extract. Mix to combine
Pour the egg-milk mix over the bread, pushing the bread down and adding more mix to thoroughly soak it
Leave for 10 mins to absorb then bang them in the oven @ 160C for about 20 mins

I made some custard to go with mine. Done!