So on the menu........Italian-style trout en will need....
1 large trout fillet
200g puff pastry, rolled out nice and thin - freeze the rest for another time
1 tbsp sun-dreid tomato pesto
2 large tomatoes, in thick slices
1 ball mozzarella
Fresh basil
1 egg
And using my handy step-by-step piccies this is how you do it.
1. Spoon the pesto onto the centre of your rolled out pastry, spread out to match the shape of your fillet. Lay fillet on top (Pic 1), tear over the basil, add salt/pepper.
2. Lay the tomato slices down the centre of the fillet, then tear the mozzarella into chunks and place that over the fillet (Pic 2)
3. Now crimp the edges in a very loose/messy way (Pic 3), egg wash the visible pastry bits and bung it all in the oven for 35 mins at 200C(180C fan)
And here's the end result. To accompany Green salad plus Stokesy made couscous salad with loads of herbs, sun-dried tomatoes plus the oil from the tomatoes (hahaha there goes his rough tough builder image...sorry Stokesy!).