Well hi there everyone. Welcome to my blog.
Here I will be recording all of the things I make and eat. I run a cookery school and catering business so that should be quite a lot of stuff (check out my business website www.relish.co.im). Oh and I’m pretty greedy too, I just love food and love trying new things.
Plus I’ll give information about the ingredients I use, the suppliers I get them from, the methods I use…………..okay just anything food related (stop going on Kathryn, I think they get the picture).
I’ll be taking photos of the food too so you can see exactly what I’m talking about. The photography is a very new venture, just got the camera last week so I'll be working on the lighting, editing etc. Some of the recipes are testing for the school, demonstrations or new seasonal menus for the catering. The rest is just stuff that I like to cook for my boyfriend, friends and family.
So I hope you like it, happy reading!