Lurking under the garnish is a beatifully crumbly tart with a very rich filling of ham hock, spring onion, cheese and plenty of cream. There is no chance of Devonshire dairy farmers going out of business whilst this cookery school is in operation.
The tart was garnished with salad leaves and a simple vinaigrette
I'm running a cookery school and catering business on the Isle of Man, a tiny little island in the Irish Sea (yes, where they have the TT).
Here you can see exactly what I'm cooking as I make food for friends, family, clients, testing for the school and my new catering menus. I love to develop new recipes from something that is good into something that really hits the spot.
I have travelled a bit and always try to do as much 'research' as possible when I'm in another country. My dedication to food knows no bounds, the things I do for work hey!
I like to cook all kinds of stuff, current favourites are Thai (it's pretty handy when your mother-in-las lives there) and Middle Eastern inspired dishes.
In order to really do the food justice I guessed that you would want to look at pictures of the dishes so I've just started doing the food photography too. I'm still getting to grips with the lighting and editing so expect more professional pics in the weeks/months to come.
Hope you like it, get in touch if you have any questions on info at
To check out my business website go to